and about the story, i never say it's gonna be bloody every time, i never promise gore every time, may be one day i'll write a stupid story and one day i'll write a love story. the story has no fixed style, and that's why you guys shouldn't expect anything other than : what's up this time.....
no one gives me pressure for my show, i feel good about this. i hate communicating for 80% of my time each day, and i hate explaining for myself. but ... i hate ppl misunderstanding me and i hate people talks like they know what i think. so, i have to come up and explain for myself. it's a neverending cycle that makes me very very sick. i wanna be a DJ in the 80's where there's no internet ...............
i don't like to talk much, but feeling really thank you guys for listening to my stuff and liking it.... instead of anymore BS, here's a 'gift' ....... some photos i forgot to post for weeks.......
hi, 最近有留意你星期日個節目,
但係 唔同人就有唔同嘅個性,也對事情有不同睇法。
不過很喜歡你的song choice,非常配合,加油!