Sunday, June 14, 2009


it's nearly five. just finished drawing another fallen girl. some people call them 妖女, i do agree, innocent angels are sometimes 妖女 to me, and my beautiful 妖女 are angels to me.

you guys must be making dreams.......i should be sleeping too, but i forgot to, and after a little while, i gotta work again. why do i always forgot to eat or sleep.....these are the things i used to love, why did i forgot the things i love?

so what am i into now? i'm in a black hole, where i forget everything and just know how to continue what i'm doing, unconsciencely.............


  1. oh ee. why dont you sleep? you need rest.
    i have been preparing for my final exam for whole night = =
    actually i forgot to sleep too. -_-

  2. morning ekee(:
    hv rest as u can la~
    take care babe;D

  3. ekee,
    take care~
    have more rest if you can:)
    hope to see you soon~:)

  4. have some rest la....

  5. have more rest la evita, dont sleep is bad for health:P

  6. are we going to see it ? :)
    take GODD care lahhhh :)

  7. sometimes i also dun like to go sleep...or forgot to sleep becoz of working or heaing ...but i never forgot to eat haaa :]
    besides... i love your hair styling very much... can u tell me that where n which hair stylist help u to make your hair? so many thxxx
